College Prep Core Curriculum




We focus on providing an engaging and challenging curriculum to prepare our graduates to enter the school of their choice and ensure that we pair that challenge with the support they need to master their subjects. Our graduates go on to excel at top universities across the country and Europe and in careers with real impact. As non-profit leaders. Attorneys. Women in medicine. Artists. Community leaders and role models.


At Holy Names, we believe young women can choose their own trajectory free of constraints based on gender, gender identity, race, culture, or economic circumstances.



EnglishHNHS students study poetry, drama, short stories, the novel, and a Shakespeare play each year—opening their minds to appreciate the power and wonder of the written word. Holy Names High School graduates leave fully prepared for writing, analytical thinking and literary analysis at the college level.
English – Graduation Requirements: 40 credits
English 9
English 10
English 11
English 11 Honors
English 12
AP English Literature and Composition
All HNHS English courses are certified as meeting the requirements for admission to the University of California and California State University systems.
Health PEPhysical education classes emphasize life-long fitness, and students are exposed to a variety of activities in order to find something physical that they enjoy. The program is commonly updated to respond to trends in health and fitness.
Students benefit from the use of community resources, including guest dance instructors and the American Red Cross CPR/First Aid courses. 

Physical Education/Health – Graduation Requirements: 15 credits
Physical Education 1
Strength and Conditioning

Graduation requirement: PE 1 and Health during the 9th grade year and a semester of PE 2 during 10th, 11th, or 12th grade. All courses are semester courses.
MathThe Mathematics Department provides courses of study based on the varied abilities and interests of students. The mathematics curriculum is standards-based and the progression of courses allows students to acquire, develop and strengthen skills in critical thinking and reasoning. Math skills are necessary for success in Science, Engineering and everyday life. Students use TI 83/84 graphing calculators and have the opportunity to participate in Honors, AP and online mathematics courses.
Mathematics – Graduation Requirements: 30 credits
Algebra 1
Geometry Honors
Algebra 2
Algebra 2 Honors
Pre-Calculus Topics 1
Pre-Calculus Honors
Probability and Statistics
AP Calculus AB
Computer Science Principles - Project Lead the Way

Graduation requirement: three years of mathematics.
All Holy Names High School mathematics courses are certified as meeting the requirements for admission to the University of California and California State University systems. Completion of Intermediate Algebra or Advanced Algebra/Trig is required for admission to these two California university systems.
Modern LnguageThe languages taught in our Modern Language Department are offered for their educational value and potential vocational use. Through a working knowledge of these languages, students are able to contribute to society and gain insights into various cultures. Students participate in curriculum and activities that provide acquisition of
linguistic, reading, writing and communication skills.
In addition to teaching mastery of the target language, the Modern Languages department promotes an appreciation and understanding of different cultural groups who speak the target language through the study of customs, cultural differences, folklore, foods and history.
Modern Languages – Graduation Requirements: 20 credits
American Sign Language 1
American Sign Language 2
American Sign Language 3
French 1
French 2
French 3
French 4
AP French Language and Culture
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Spanish 3
Spanish 4
AP Spanish Language and Culture

All courses are certified as meeting the requirements for admission to the University of California and California State University systems.
Science & EngineeringTechnology at HNHS empowers young women to develop a community of 21st century learners and leaders. Our goal is not only to ready students for college-level study, but also to prepare them to understand and address the challenges of a rapidly changing and interconnected world. The skills they need – critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, analysis – are learned through an array of practices (many informed by the particular ways girls learn), hands-on experiences and co-curricular opportunities.

Project Lead the Way is an exciting and engaging series of courses designed to offer hands-on experience with real world applications.  The continually expanding offerings include Computer Science, Introduction to Engineering and Human Body Systems.  Holy Names is proud to be the only all-girls school in the Bay Area to offer this program.

Science – Graduation Requirements: 20 credits
Introduction to Engineering Design – Project Lead the Way
Introduction to Robotics
Lab Biology
AP Biology
Chemistry Honors
Computer Science Principles - Project Lead the Way (also listed in math)
Human Body Systems - Project Lead the Way 
Physics Honors
Environmental Sustainability - Project Lead the Way 

All Holy Names High School Science courses are certified as meeting the requirements for admission to the University of California and California State University systems. 
Social StudiesThe Socials Studies Department utilizes a variety of teaching and learning strategies to engage students actively in their study of history. Some of these strategies include debate, student performance, simulation and analysis of primary source documents. The senior seminar and research project in government and economics provides opportunities for students to research issues, formulate opinions, and lead discussions. The ongoing integration of technology and technological skills in social studies classes assists the department in preparing students for the future.

Social Studies – Graduation Requirements: 30 credits
Modern World History
US History
AP US History
US Government and Economics

Certified as meeting the requirements for admission to the University of California and California State University systems